About NJHS

  • NJHS


    The Upper Township Middle School Chapter 

    of The National Junior Honor Society


    The National Junior Honor Society is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding middle level students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1929. 

    Today, it is estimated that more than one million students participate in official Honor Society activities. NHS and NJHS chapters are found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, many U.S. territories, and Canada. Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and community service. 

    Five main purposes have guided chapters of NJHS from the beginning: to create enthusiasm for scholarship; to stimulate a desire to render service; to promote leadership; to encourage responsible citizenship; and to develop character in the students of secondary schools. These purposes also translate into the criteria used for membership selection in each local chapter.

    • Scholarship: Scholarship is shown through one’s commitment to learning. A students must maintain a cumulative average of 95 or above in all subject areas. He or she must be willing to spend hours in reading and study, knowing the lasting benefits of an educated mind.
    • Citizenship: Citizenship is assessed in terms of attitudes regarding freedom, justice, patriotism, and respect for fellow human beings.

    • Service: Service is defined in terms of a student’s willingness to work for the benefit of others without monetary compensation; to volunteer time and talent to help others.

    • Leadership: Leadership is taking initiative in class and school activities to go forward when others hesitate. To be self-confident and exert a wholesome influence on the school.

    • Character: Character is defined as the product of constant action and daily striving to make the right choice. It is the demonstration of honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, tolerance, and cooperation that must be provided by example. 

    Please reach out to NJHS@upperschools.org with any questions regarding National Junior Honor Society at the Upper Township Middle School. 

Phone: 6096283500


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. LeFever

Phone: 6096283500


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Mercado

Information About Membership Selection

Important Files